I must be slipping a bit in the midst of my busyness—I bought a bagel and OJ on the way to work this morning, when I could have poured some OJ in my canister before leaving for work (spent $1.69 for 10 oz. OJ); I also realized that I had a taste for an apple which I also could have taken from my kitchen. Paid 79 cents. The middlemen sure made their profit off of me, today.
Went to campus chapel during lunchtime to have devotion, but the chapel was occupied by a group, so I went downstairs looking for peaceful and quite space. Before I knew it, I was ushered into a room where FREE lunch was being served. I identified myself as Staff and not student (although it’s flattering to be able to pass); and the person at the door assured me that it’s free for me, too. God literally fed me today. Dessert included.