Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Radio interview regarding holiday spending
I came home to a pleasant surprise, a message from WILS 1320 AM in Lansing, MI requesting a radio interview addressing holiday spending…and they needed the guest spot to be filled at 6:30. My watch showed 6 p.m.! I called them and before I knew it, I was on the air with Host Jack Eberling. Ahhh, the wonders of technology. The 10 minutes or so flew by, but I do remember talking about how James and I poll our family members and ask them to give us a list of at least 3 things they need, want, or desire for Christmas (so that it’s still a surprise). We then comparison shop for the best prices (which is now easier to do, thanks to the Internet). We don’t have to worry about getting them something that’s going to end up in the closet gathering dust. BTW, those same family members and close friends aren’t offended—they love it! Jack’s Producer not only said they’d rerun this segment during Thanksgiving, but would also invite me back the nearer we get to Christmas Day when consumer spending will reach astronomic proportions.