It’s been snowing here in CNY, and it’s actually symbolic, because it reminds me of how the duties and responsibilities of my life “snow” on top of me: working a full-time job (that I love, BTW), going grocery shopping, filling up the car with gas, getting my hair done, doing the laundry and picking up the dry cleaners, keeping the house organized, running a small business, sorting through holiday junk mail that I didn’t request, getting financial literacy “out there”...
This weekend—the weekend before Thanksgiving houseguests arrive—I am going to make a conscientious effort to get organized. I thrive on organization and on being organized. Always have (just ask my Mom); always will. It just makes things flow so much easier, but after navigating a hectic week, the house alone looks like the tazmanian devil has been chasing the Road Runner in our house. (You know—you take off your clothes and bundle them into a corner instead of hanging them up because you have to hurry and get dinner on the stove).
I once saw on Oprah where we can’t expect new things to come our way if our lives are cluttered with both tangible (household junk) and non-tangible things (a million activities). I’m clearin’ it out, so here I come…