Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Filing a claim for replacement costs

The moving guys from the moving company—nice as they were—accidentally broke our printer. You see, we had purchased this very nice Color LaserJet from Penn State University using James’ faculty discount. During the move, we all heard a loud thud and rushed to the scene of the crime. Apparently, the movers had placed the box containing the printer atop a stack of other boxes, and it fell. In response to our insurance claim, the owner/manager of the company at first wanted to divert our attention to the fact that we packed the box (as opposed to the movers packing the box); but after politely, but assertively standing our ground that our packing of the box had nothing to do with the stacking by the movers, a check in the amount of $819.06—the original price we paid for the printer—was sent to us in the mail. We immediately recycled it back into replacing the printer with a near-identical model. Kudos to the moving company for doing the right thing.