Steve and Annette Economides, nicknamed America’s Cheapest Family (a name that they’ve apparently trademarked, so they’re also entrepreneurs—you go!) was featured on ABC's "20/20." They go as far as to take their walkie talkies into the supermarket with them, scanning the aisles for the cheapest bargains like they’re GI Joe hunting down a beast in the jungle! The analogy (and their last lame) is appropos. I immediately ordered their book, America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money. After writing to them, they invited me into their "inner circle of frugal network". I feel honored.
I ordered office supplies from Staples and used my $23 coupon (as a result of providing my rewards number every time I make a purchase). Bill: $25.47. Paid a mere $2.47. I hope the Economides are proud of me.