Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Grocery store savings from scanning frequent rewards card
Here is the tally of money saved on groceries in 2007, simply as a result of giving the cashier my rewards card to scan. My philosophy: no rewards card, no debit card. Sometimes the cashier asks for it; sometimes they don’t. Doesn’t matter—when I provide it, I love seeing the “minuses” come off of the cash register, even if it’s “only a few cents,” as one cashier smartly remarked to me. 2007 savings at the grocery store: $133.30. (All I did was tally the savings figures printed on the bottom of my receipts) This is what I was able to pull up immediately from Quicken (see 12-28-07 Blog entry) because we debit most of our groceries; the amount is actually more, as I haven’t yet added the amount saved on groceries from the cash receipts. I will quote this figure to the young lad next time, as I hand him my frequency rewards card to scan.