Unfortunately, Thanksgiving got so busy that I began drafting my journal entry to describe the things that I am most grateful for; and then time flew by and now Christmas is here! So here is the list -- I am thankful to God for:
- salvation in Jesus Christ; for God "finding" me at an early age as a little girl attending Catholic parochial school. Christ's journey as depicted through the stations of the cross held significance for me even then;
- James, my wonderful husband of 15 years;
- the basic necessities of life that I never ever want to take for granted: food, a roof over my head; clothing; transportation; utilities such as heat and all-the-while remembering and helping those who don't have these things;
- good health; and all-the-while remembering those who live with disabilities or chronic illnesses every single day;
- family, friends, three church families (as a result of moving around so much);
- jobs that we love--took a long time to truly discover what is it that I was made to do.
Apart from basic necessities and our occupations, notice that most of this list has absolutely nothing to do with money and material possessions. Here's wishing that you tremendously enjoy the non-tangible aspects of your holiday season.